Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Case Study #2 - 1617 Words

Case study # 2: The apple of your â€Å"I† This case study will describe why Apple Inc. is a very successful company and has become the second largest public company in the world. It all started in the 1980s when Apple started producing home computers. This helped those who were full-time students and workers by also producing a particular computer, the Macintosh computer. However, in 1985 Steve Jobs lost against the Apple board, and because of the unfortunate negative outcome of the meeting, Steve found a positive outlook from the situation. He then founded another PC company called NeXT while Apple took a turn for the worst. In 1996 Apple reconnected with Steve and bought his NeXT Company and gained the technology that would later help†¦show more content†¦Steve Jobs played the founding role for Apple. The public liked these new gadgets because of their cool accessories and sleekness. The iPod could hold thousands of songs and came in many different colors and sizes, and the iPhone had a screen that would rotate when turned sideways and also had a full touch screen keyboard. He set the foundation for Apple to continue to build off of, with the IPhone, iPad and MacBook’s. Apple can continue to improve those products for a good long while. Steve Jobs made Apple a household name to where almost every person somehow uses some form of an Apple product Apple could respond to Steve Jobs death by encouraging that Apple will continue to remain the way Steve Jobs ran the company I have and will continue to Invest in Apple even without Steve Jobs. I also feel like Apple will continue to successful without Steve Jobs because Apple will still be using the same tactics as if Jobs was still alive, mainly because having an unbeatable product is part of the culture Jobs created in Apple. Apple may change a bit but Apple always seem to make every product almost irresistible, even if it really serves almost no purpose. Their products that they offer are very well manufactured and their customer servic e is top-notch too. Apple has amazing products and I believe they will continue to have them for a while. Q4. Microsoft took an early lead in the development of slate devices (like the iPad), and it the world’s leadingShow MoreRelatedCase Study 2 : Scotland6372 Words   |  26 Pages NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Business Management Extended Case Studies (Set 2) [INTERMEDIATE 2] [pic] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by LT Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. 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Use the Du Pont equation to obtain a rough feel for Commonwealth’s financial condition as compared to national averages. What are your conclusions? Du Pont Analyses: 2012 2013 Ind. Avg. Total margin 3.67% 5.73% 2.90%Read MoreCASE STUDY 2 Essay725 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Case Study #2 According to the text, the DIY Store is a nationwide chain that offers everything from home repair to general maintenance equipment for do-it-yourself projects. In addition to the wide variety of goods they sell, the DIY Company has been very successful due to the customer service they provide by hiring experienced employers and strategically placing them into departments that complement their knowledge and skills. Despite the success that DIY has seen since they entered the marketRead MoreCase Study 2 Hollywood1665 Words   |  7 PagesShahrokh Dalpour November 2 2014 Case Study-Hollywood Influence on Global Culture 1. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Social Structures Of Youth Involvement - 866 Words

Through the analysis of the social structures of youth involvement in gang related activities there are many factors that need to be considered. This essay will critically look at the parental and environmental influences as well as the socio-economic statuses of youth who become enveloped in gang related pleasure. Firstly, the influence of the parents plays a crucial part in the development of a child’s mental growth and their behaviour. The way parents treat their children, act and behave around them affects the way the child acts. In addition, the void of a parent’s presence in a child’s life also leads to gang activities due to the lack of a good influence in their life. Secondly, environmental influences such as what types of social activities in a neighbourhood lead to high rates of crime, low income neighbourhoods tend to have more delinquent behaviour as there are more crimes in the areas with a low education and employment rates. Lastly socio-economic s tatus interconnects with neighbourhood influences, as survival is needed means of getting money and being jobless and education less (Sorry but you are the only one who can fix this since I don’t know what you are trying to say). As a result, since these children are living with parents that are not well educated they are low socio-economically, which results in their little to no involvement in school. Firstly, children from dysfunctional families that encounter breakdowns such as divorce or harsh aggressiveShow MoreRelatedImmigration Parents Stand As A Newcomer Essay986 Words   |  4 Pagesas a newcomer, the focus on raising academic achievement of the students and how teachers can help with ensuring the success of their students. Parent socialization practices have been identified as critical in determining children’s cognitive and social development in diver ethnic and cultural groups (Evans, Krishnakumar, Metindogan, Roopmarome, 2006, pg. 239). 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Criminal events have unique underpinnings, which are often shorter processes than criminal involvement structures. Among the goals of rational choice theory is to explain all types of crime (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). HoweverRead MoreSocioeconomic Status And The Career Aspirations Of Australian School Students1279 Words   |  6 Pageshaving on academic achievement of young adults. These studies range from elementary to college level students. These articles are on the subject of socioeconomic status effecting student aspirations, higher educational participation, and parental involvement. 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This review will detail the main reasons youths enter gangs, outreach programs that are making a differenceRead MoreYouth And School Violence : The Center For Disease Control858 Words   |  4 Pages Youth and School Violence The Center for Disease Control (CDC) describes youth violence as â€Å"harmful behaviors that can start early and continue into young adulthood† (Center for Disease Control, 2016, para. 1). It includes bullying, robbery, assaults, or even acts that include the victim, the offender, and the witness. School violence is a sub-section of youth violence that exists on the school grounds during a school sponsored event or on the way to or from school. It can also involve an adultRead MoreThe Role Of Family Structure And Youth Essay1678 Words   |  7 Pagesrelationship between family structure and youth engaging in delinquency. Why is it that certain youths from traditional families engage in less delinquent behaviors than youth in non-traditional families? 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sample random free essay sample

Was the sample random? How many brands were in the race? Were the brands ranked? These are the unknowns based on the advertisement. The claim does not state what does #1 actually means. In comparison to what: price, size, or pleasant smell. Some numbers can be valid, but used in different ways such as the mean, median, mode and midrange. This is not the case for this ad because we do not have the data to either validate or disclaim this ad. This ad is misleading and lends its self to consumer’s impulse buying. The consumer must be aware of such claims and do their research before buying products, items or food. 14. â€Å"How often do you run red lights? † This question is a manipulating one because of how it is asked; it is a faulty survey question. It wants to know how often you run red lights and does not ask a yes or no question. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample random or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The question forces you to select an answer among scripted choices identified by the surveyor. The answers would be: once a day, once a week, twice a week, or more than 3 times a week. This is a bias question, especially if it does not offer an answer of â€Å"none† or â€Å"never†. The data collected can influence the amount of fines for running red lights, installing red light cameras, or have an effect on car insurance rates. This question does not take into account people without a driver license or people who take public transportation. It is all in how a question is asked because most surveys do not want a â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no† answer. They cannot perform the needed analysis to get an answer. Some of the answers force people to choose the closest one that fits, but this causes bias and would not define the most accurate results. So the question and answers will steer the results toward what they want. The misuse of statistics should be against the law and the company or manufacturer should be held accountable for their misrepresentation. Also survey questions and answers should be more accurate and not bias. After going over this chapter it proves the saying â€Å"buyer beware† and do your own research. References Bluman, (2011), Mathematics in Our World